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servit succesfully completed the DG Project Database for the United Nations Development Program. The intranet application allows to manage projects of the Democratic Governance Group centrally.

Ubercart is an exciting open source e-commerce package that fully integrates your online store with Drupal, the leading open source content management system. This is a killer combination for anyone...

Two of our colleagues are going to the Drupal Conference in London. Khaled Zaidan and Rami Attallah are representing Servit at this years (European) conference and will immerse into the Drupal world...

On Sunday, December 4th 2011, we have hosted the second Drupal Meetup in our offices in Amman.
The attendees were quite experienced with Drupal, and were able to discuss interesting topics and come...

Again it was the 1st Sunday of an even month, it was the 5th of February 2012 and we had the third Drupal meetup in Amman in our office in Shmeisani.
This time we concentrated on doing less...