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Primary School Regensdorf
Submitted by root on Sat, 2009-02-07 18:13

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Primarschule Regensdorf
Cohn Web Publishing
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The "Primarschule Regensdorf" (primary school Regensdorf) consists of 6 different schools and multiple kinder gardens in the area of Regensdorf. They all share one administration, one IT department and one website. Since June 2006 they rely on Servit for support, maintenance and development of their website, which was developed and designed earlier by cohn web publishing. Servit assist them in many more internet related matters like DNS management, web and mail server migration. In October 2006 the primary school approached Servit asking for more flexibility when handling the website's content. Teachers and other employees should be able to contribute contents independently from a webmaster. To satisfy this need, Servit migrated in the whole website to the Content Management System Contenido. Since then, the website has been constantly enhanced and new features have been implemented. It has become a much more lively site with lots of up to date content from teaching staff of all schools. An internal restricted area now allows staff to exchange documents and forms as well as to keep each others updated with an internal message board.