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Submitted by root on Wed, 2012-02-08 18:33

Project Image:

Büro Baron
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Brandchamp is the first world championship for brave companies.
On Brandchamp everyone can click in order to make their preferred brand big.
The idea and concept is straight forward and simple. The technology behind it are not. Alone the fact that anybody can just start clicking without prior registration or other authentication was a big challenge. After all the competition shouldn't get ruinned because of spammer and cheaters. The requirement to calculate all logo maps dynamically for all filters was a challenge that we embraced and were able to tackle successfully.
Brandchamp has been an exciting project and we're proud to have have developed the platform and were able to advise our client "Büro Baron" during the whole project.
Servit is now maintaining the platform and extending it together with Büro Baron.
We wish Brandchamp a good start and of course we hope for some clicks on our logo as well.