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Submitted by Asma Assaf on Mon, 2011-05-23 12:38

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Plantnovelties is a commercial website that promotes various plants like flowers, trees, pot plants and much more. What makes this website special, is that it focuses on publishing new varieties of plants, and on providing all professionals with an insight into all important developments within the core business of floriculture and landscaping.
The website which was built with Drupal, allows breeders to upload and update information and pictures of their plants for free. When publishing their plants on the website, only the basic information of the product will be shown, any additional publishing to intensify the promotion of a clients plant has to be paid for. Additionally the client can buy extra advertisement space on the website and use different types of advertisement like banners or publishing his product as a right sidebar ad or simply publish it on the front page.
Payment is done trough a credit point system. Breeders can buy points by credit card (PayPal) or invoice. When publishing product details or using ad space, the point account is debited.