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Drupal Modules
Menu Add Content
Submitted by root on Sun, 2010-03-14 17:13

Create new content directly where you want them.
This module allows users to create content through links in the menu.
End users are having a hard time linking their new pages from the menu at the desired place, The drop down select box is not user friendly, This module creates an "add content" link below every menu item so it is easy for end users to create a new content at the menu place they want.
The module depends on popups API to work, and that is to make the interface more User-Friendly.
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Drupal module
Date of production:
Thu, 2009-11-19
Drupal version:
Special menu items - Drupal module
Submitted by root on Mon, 2009-05-04 09:50

Special menu items is a Drupal module that provides placeholder and separator menu items. A placeholder is a menu item which is not a link. It is useful with dynamic drop down menus where we want to have a parent menu item which is not linking to a page but just acting as a parent grouping some menu items below it. A separator menu item is something like "-------" which is not linking anywhere but merely a mean to structure menus and "separate" menu items visually.
Drupal module
Date of production:
Mon, 2009-05-04
Drupal version:
Area Banner Module
Submitted by root on Mon, 2009-04-20 06:56

Drupal module
Date of production:
Tue, 2009-04-21
Drupal version: