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Drupal Meetup Amman, October 2nd
Submitted by Issa Haddadin on Wed, 2011-10-05 14:15

It was time to revive the Drupal community in Jordan, so our team decided to take the initiative of organizing the first Drupal meetup of the year 2011 in Amman.
The meetup took place on October 2nd 2011 in our company offices in Amman. It was a great opportunity for the local Drupal community to gather, meet each other, exchange knowledge and simply socialize. Newbies were introduced to Drupal and got the chance to get involved with the Drupal community.
Our team has prepared several sessions on different levels in order to get all the Drupal lovers that attended involved. We talked about Drupal and it's benefits in comparison with other systems, accessibility on websites and taxonomy menus.
One of our active participants , Mr. Ashraf Amayreh. CEO of Ominds was kind to organize a small workshop about building a quick blog using Drupal. The open discussions after each session made the entire evening even more fun.
At the end of the sessions, we all agreed that we need to push the Drupal community in Jordan forward, by organising meetups on contious basis, through which we could all stay connected and eventually build this community up.
Everyone is already exited for the next meetup in December and we're really looking forward to your ideas and participation!
Issa H
last edited: 10-10-2011