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Code Documentation & Doxygen
Submitted by root on Sun, 2009-04-19 12:34

Documentation is essential in systems development. Documentalists and technical writers describe the functionality and the architecture of a system in different document types, like Requirement, System Design and Architecture documents.
Source code should also be documented. It helps getting high-quality and efficient software and it makes the code human-readable and reusable.
Developers can use automated tools to generate source code documentation, one of these tools is Doxygen.
Doxygen is an open source (GPL licensed), multi-platform and highly-configurable documentation generator. It takes comments in the source code files and transforms them in a human readable form. (HTML, LaTex, PDF...).
The presentation contains a step-by-step tutorial on how to generate documentation for the Panels module.
last edited: 05-03-2010